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“MODA DIFFERENTE” is a company dedicated to the manufacture of clothes, working equipment, knitwear

“MODA DIFFERENTE” is a company dedicated to the manufacture of clothes, working equipment, knitwear

Ihtiman – Sofía – Bulgaria359885868580Facebook
Bienes Personales > Ropa, Prendas de vestir, Moda, 3D, 4.0...
Bienes Personales > HOGAR: toallas, edredones, almohadas, láser, 3D, 4.0...
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Sofía (Bulgaria) - Brno (República Checa)Sofía (Bulgaria) - Agrinio (Grecia)

“MODA DIFFERENTE” is a company dedicated to the manufacture of clothes, working equipment, knitwear and textiles, linens, bedding and other items. Our work distinguishes with its quality and speed in execution of orders and with flexibility for customer’s requirements.
“MODA DIFFERENTE is a Bulgarian company, which has a professional team
We have been working together on mutually beneficial terms with Bulgarian and foreign companies

We filed for the protection of brand and design color therapy and aromatherapy. Influence of colors upon our mind and body and their combination. When colors are not selected correctly is not good for the body .
.Operation laboratories to produce samples of textiles in our own. Fabrics that breathe scented materials in contact with the body and very glad drugi.Shte joint cooperation

Acerca de la compañía

MODA DIFERENTE is a firm producing clothes, knitwear, underwear, bedroom sets, and others.

Actividad: MODA DIFERENTE is a firm producing clothes, knitwear, underwear, bedroom sets, and others.

MODA DIFERENTE is a firm producing clothes, knitwear, underwear, bedroom sets, and others.

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“MODA DIFFERENTE” is a company dedicated to the manufacture of clothes, working equipment, knitwear
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